Comparing Autocomplete-Optimization to Standard SEO and PPC Methods

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As a cutting-edge technology, Autocomplete-Optimization is often compared to traditional search engine optimization (SEO). However, when we delve into search results, the differences become clear. Think of Autocomplete-Optimization as SEO on steroids. The distinctions are significant and enable businesses to establish dominance in their market and industry.

ClicksTide Autocomplete-Optimization

  • Fixed monthly rate - leaves competitors behind.
  • Works seamlessly with your current website - minimal or no access needed.
  • Consistent monthly performance.
  • Edges out competitors on the first page of Bing and other search eninges.
  • Takes around 60-90+ days to fully launch.
  • Secures up to all 10 organic spots on first page of the major search engines.
  • Boosts brand visibility through auto-complete suggestions.
  • Exclusive ownership of your chosen keywords - no re-selling.
  • Your brand gets higher authority in user's perception because it is being suggested in the search box.
  • Increased ROI from quicker results, higher click-through rates, and lower monthly expenses on advertising.
  • Improves the performance of regular SEO strategies.
  • Its main focus is on organic search listings which are preferred by 60-70% of online users.


  • Keeping up with competition can be expensive, often costing thousands of dollars per month.
  • Ongoing adjustments are needed to optimize both your website and social media presence.
  • Results are unpredictable and can fluctuate daily, with your competitors employing similar strategies.
  • Your competition may appear alongside your brand on the first page of the search engines.
  • Gaining a spot on the first page, if achieved, can take 6-8 months or longer.
  • Only one spot on the first page of Google and Bing may be attained.
  • Without appearing in auto-complete, your brand lacks awareness and perceived authority.
  • mprovements made by competitors can cause setbacks in search results for your brand.
  • Higher costs, fewer click-throughs and increased competition can diminish your ROI.
  • Results cannot be guaranteed.

To sum up... Search Box Optimization (SBO) surpasses traditional SEO and PPC. With SBO, your business secures superior search results - 10 spots on the first page compared to 1 spot with standard SEO. This makes it simpler for users to access your information and convert into customers. SBO ensures a higher ROI with lower costs and increased click-through rates compared to standard SEO and PPC. Additionally, SBO offers consistency in results and expenses. Whether you're considering your next step in online marketing or already using SEO or PPC, let us guide you towards a more successful and profitable approach.

Get in touch with us now to boost your ROI and establish market dominance!